Friday, January 20, 2017

We have a baptismal date!

So I have like no time but it was a really good week and I will try to include the highlights. Roland is on for baptism and we are super-excited!  He's such a great kid.  So we were actually able to get a little bit of snow this last week.  It was not anything close to CO status but it was still super good!  It was so stinking cold this last week and the wind chill just makes it 10 times colder.  We are on bikes right now and it was pretty darn flipping cold.  Our tires are super flat and last transfer, when the assistants were here on splits, one of them was using our pump as a sword and broke it, I know right.  So we have been riding on flat tires in negative weather every day, good times good times.  

So we were able to do some really cool service in an old person home this last week!  One of the pushes from President Szabadkai is to be doing service every single day and it has been a lot of fun.  We had been trying to do our best to find locations where we could serve but many of them were closed or not super interested from what it looked like.  Then one of the coolest members in the ward that helps us out so much, told us that he worked at an old person home and that we could come whenever we wanted.  It is super cool to see these old people's faces light up when we start to talk to them and it is cool that we were literally making their day.  It is also some super good language practice, haha, because older people here speak totally different from the young people here.  

We were also able to get 7 member present lessons this week which was really good for us.  The members here are really willing to help us and support us and it is cool to see. We were not able to go on any splits this last week because two companionships had to cancel which stunk, but we have one this week so that should be super fun. 

Recently, our mission president shared a quote from Elder Bednar about doing the little things right.  Elder Ure and I have been focusing on this principle and we have seen how the wants to give us so many amazing blessings and so much of the time we just have to go a little bit further and work just a little bit harder and then the Lord will give us these amazing blessings.  Much of the time it is really easy to do the big things right but sometimes it is harder to always be doing the little things right as well.  I know that I am so far from perfect, but that is why I am grateful for the atonement and for the opportunity that I have to work on the things I need to everyday and become a better man and a better servant of the Lord.  I truly love being a missionary and I love this work! 

I love you all so much and hope you have a great week!

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